Fragrance Oils for Cleaning Products | UFI codes | Wholesale, European supplier

Aroma Global - Fragrance oils for Cleaning Products

Welcome to Our Fragrance Oils for Challenging Media.

When working with aggressive or highly reactive environments, finding fragrance solutions that maintain stability and deliver excellent performance can be a challenge. Our specialized fragrance oils are expertly designed for use in alkaline, acidic, and hypochlorite media for the all Cleaning Products, ensuring consistent and pleasant results even under demanding conditions.

1000 hotových vůni ve 40 kategorii.
1000 ready-made fragrances, 40 categories
European production since 2001. Manufacturing area of 2000 m².
Certifikováno ISO 9001:2015. Velice konkurenční ceny pří zachování vysoké kvality a flexibility.
The quality complies with IFRA certification
Competitive prices while maintaining high quality and flexibility.
Poradíme s vývojem nových receptur a úpravou již používaných.
Assistance with developing new formulations
modifying existing compositions, solving technological issues.
Vzorky zdarma! Min. odběr od 1kg.
Minimum order - 1 kg, samples, testers
Showroom with the widest selection of fragrance oils in the CR, in Prague.