Fragrance oils for car membrane air freshener | UFI codes | Wholesale, European supplier

Aroma Global - Fragrance oils for car membrane air freshener

Fragrance oils for car membrane air freshener.

Our unique fragrance oil for car membrane air fresheners is specifically formulated to ensure consistent and controlled evaporation. Thanks to a balanced blend of volatile components, the fragrance effortlessly passes through the membrane. This prevents premature evaporation of solvents, ensuring long-lasting performance and a steady fragrance release throughout the product's lifespan.


  • Certification – we provide all necessary certificates, including IFRA and UFI codes.
  • Flexible minimum order – minimum packaging/order from 1 kg.
  • Competitive wholesale prices.
  • European production, German research and development.
  • No business license required – purchase without the need for a trade license.

Samples of Fragrance oils for car membrane air freshener, could be available in our showroom in Prague. Visit us in person to try them and find the perfect scent for your candles.

1 Apple Lucta DMBR 73481 Apple Lucta DMBR 73481
2 Berry Lucta DMBR 28364 Berry Lucta DMBR 28364
3 Black Ice Cosmo DMBR 28943 Black Ice Cosmo DMBR 28943
4 Coffee DMBR 83724 Káva DMBR 83724
5 Fresh New Car Cosmo DMBR 96362 Svěží nové auto Cosmo DMBR 96362
6 Fruity Berry Cosmo DMBR 34913 Fruity Berry Cosmo DMBR 34913
7 Ocean Breeze Cosmo DMBR 71982 Ocean Breeze Cosmo DMBR 71982
8 Peach Lucta DMBR 65367 Peach Lucta DMBR 65367
9 Vanilla Lucta DMBR 34784 Vanilla Lucta DMBR 34784


You can view the feedback from our satisfied customers on Google, and check out photos and videos of many products made by our customers using our fragrances on Instagram.

Please provide us with your details, and we will promptly send you our wholesale fragrance price list along with information on ordering samples.

1000 hotových vůni ve 40 kategorii.
1000 ready-made fragrances, 40 categories
European production since 2001. Manufacturing area of 2000 m².
Certifikováno ISO 9001:2015. Velice konkurenční ceny pří zachování vysoké kvality a flexibility.
The quality complies with IFRA certification
Competitive prices while maintaining high quality and flexibility.
Poradíme s vývojem nových receptur a úpravou již používaných.
Assistance with developing new formulations
modifying existing compositions, solving technological issues.
Vzorky zdarma! Min. odběr od 1kg.
Minimum order - 1 kg, samples, testers
Showroom with the widest selection of fragrance oils in the CR, in Prague.